ইংরেজি বানিয়ে লিখার উপায় English Writing tips is an educational app. So many of us can speak english but when it comes to writing they fail . there are so many ইংরেজি বানিয়ে লিখার উপায়-english writing skills though they are all not complete for proper writing skill ness, app but tips to improve english writing are few. So we've decided to emphasize on the writing skill. There are many things to consider for writing like knowing vocabulary english to bangla, learning english grammar etc. And there are also some tips and tricks which I am gonna share with you in this app.
সাবলীল ইংরেজি লিখতে চান? এই আপ্পস এ দেখান হয়েছে কার্যকর কিছু কৌশল।
Grammar এ উন্নতি করুন
বৃত্তের বাইরে চিন্তা করতে শিখুন
Paragraph লেখার অভিনব কৌশল
Passage Summarizing writing
Any needs apply to an application
৪টি Eassy শিখে ৮৫টি Eassy লেখার কৌশল
Cloze test with/without clues সমাধানের নিয়ম
শূন্যস্থানে Noun বসানোর নিয়ম
শূন্যস্থানে Adjective বসানোর নিয়ম
শূন্যস্থানে Verb বসানোর নিয়ম
Passage -এর Key word লেখার নিয়ম
নেটিভ টোনে ইংরেজিতে লিখতে শেখা/ লেখাকে উন্নত করা
রাইটিং গাইডলাইন্স আইবিএ MBA
ডাউনলড লিঙ্কঃ
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id= com.uniquebanglaapps.free_hand_english_writing_skills_apps
English Writing tips is a educational app So many of us can speak english There are so many ways to write English- English writing skills, though they are not suitable for writing in English writing skills. So we have decided on emphasizing There are many things to consider for writing like knowing vocabulary english to bangla, learning english grammar etc. And there are some tips and tricks which I am gonna share with you in this app
Want to write fluent English? There are some strategies that have been shown on this update.
Improve on Grammar
Learn to think outside the circle
Fancy technique for writing paragraph
Passage Summarizing writing
Any requirements apply to an application
4 Eassy Learning 85 Eassy Writing Strategies
Cloze test with / without clues solution rules
Noun law enforcement rules at the vacant place
Adjective placement rules at zero
Verb placement rules at zero
Passage's key word writing rules
Learning to write native tone in English / improve writing
Writing Guidelines IBA MBA
Downloud Link:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id= com.uniquebanglaapps.free_hand_english_writing_skills_apps